ACON’s Inclusion Programs offer a range of services to assist with all aspects of LGBTQ+ inclusion.
Pride in Diversity is the national not-for-profit employer support program for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion specialising in HR, organisational change and workplace diversity. Pride in Diversity publishes the Australian Workplace Equality Index (AWEI), Australia’s national benchmarking instrument for LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion from which Top Employers for LGBTQ+ people is determined.
Pride in Sport is the only sporting inclusion program specifically designed to assist National and State sporting organisations and clubs with the inclusion of LGBTQ+ employees, players, coaches, volunteers and spectators. The world-first Pride in Sport Index (PSI) benchmarks and assesses the inclusion of LGBTQ+ people across all sporting contexts.
Pride in Health + Wellbeing is a national membership program that provides year-round support in the provision of LGBTQ+ inclusive services for those working within the health and wellbeing sector. Consider us your partners, your subject-matter experts that you can call on, build a relationship with and rely on for expert advice, training and help.
Pride Training provides learning and development programs to assist health and community organisations increase their knowledge of LGBTQ+ people, communities and health issues. Our learning and development offerings use a variety of activities, media and training resources to engage with participants. Specialising in co-design with community members we aim to address the unique needs of our communities with lived experiences.